Years Roll By
"As years roll by, into old age, we help our friends, turn the page."
"As years roll by, into old age, we help our friends, turn the page."
"Am I my father, with second chance, Made of his genes that gather and dance."
"Our love, so wonderful and sweet, The Lord’s work, and his Master Piece.Travel with me, back to that time,"
"Come to Texas, come and see Harvey, Understand this wreckage? no not hardly."
To rain down on earth, from a cloud, Spread far and wide, where it once stood proud?
The fluidity of time and its tortoise-like qualities seemed overly exaggerated last month. If all of May’s activities and accomplishments were a grocery list, I would need to float a loan in order to check out. Yet when I stare at those 31 squares on the calendar, I realize that it really has only been three months since Bob died. Emotionally and physically, however, it seems much longer.
"While I had a huge amount of support from family and friends, I found myself comforting them because everyone was so sad. It was very hard witnessing the grief of his sister and twin brother. How is a mother supposed to provide solace to others when experiencing intense grief herself?"
Every $20 we raise helps connect a grieving individual with the resources they need on their journey of healing. We have all been in that place, looking for help but not knowing where to find it.
A Message from the founders of Faith & Grief Ministries in response to the grief of our nation: "Although many of us do not know the pain of losing a family member or friend in a mass shooting, we have experienced the grueling pain of grief far too often. Know that this grief, although it feels insurmountable, will not consume you."
Imagine: It’s the first Valentine’s Day after your husband’s death